FPL shares tips to help customers take control of their energy use while at home
Simple changes and tools, like the FPL Energy Analyzer, can help customers save
April 8, 2020

JUNO BEACH, Fla., April 8, 2020 – During this unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) understands that many customers are either working from or spending significantly more time in their homes than usual. In light of this change, FPL is taking several steps to help customers keep their energy costs low. The company recently announced it plans to fast-track a one-time decrease of nearly 25% in May for the typical residential customer bill as a result of lower fuel costs, subject for approval from the Florida Public Service Commission.

In addition, FPL is sharing energy-saving tips that can be easily implemented without the need for additional equipment, and encouraging customers to use free tools, such as the FPL Mobile App and FPL Energy Analyzer, to help monitor their energy use, budget and manage energy costs.

Energy-Saving Tips

  • Having more people home during hot days will tempt you to lower your AC to stay cool. Each degree you raise the thermostat can help you save up to five percent on your monthly cooling costs.
  • Everyone loves privacy but try to keep bedroom and other doors open if possible – closed doors can block the airflow of your AC, making it work longer.
  • Try to keep lights off in unoccupied rooms. Leaving a lamp, fan, or television turned on all the time can run up your electric bill.
  • Use fans wisely: Your ceiling fan keeps you cool but doesn’t cool your room. When you leave a room, turn off the fan to save from $3 to $7 a month. Leaving a ceiling fan turned on all the time can run up your bill.
  • Turn off ceiling, bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans when you leave the room or after use to save. Also remember to close shades, blinds and drapes to keep the sun’s heat out.
  • Your TV, game systems, routers and cable boxes are probably getting a lot of use right now. Not to worry, increased use of TVs and systems won’t raise your bill significantly (approx. $8-$15 per month), but still make sure that they are turned off or unplugged when not in use.
  • Clean the lint filter in your dryer before every load, not just once it fills up, to minimize drying time.
  • Use the smallest appliance you need to cook – like a slow cooker, microwave or toaster oven. Heating a stove or oven takes quite a bit of energy, plus it heats up the kitchen, so your AC must work even longer to keep your house comfortable. A toaster or convection oven uses one-third to one-half as much energy as a full-sized oven.
  • Meal prepping for the week? Bake several dishes at a time, using the smallest appliance you need to get the job done. When dinner’s over, make sure to run a full dishwasher. You will save water and electricity.
  • Fire up the grill! Using an outdoor grill instead of the oven can help keep your kitchen cool and lower your electric bill.
  • Use the free FPL Mobile App to view your daily, weekly and monthly energy use as well next month’s projected bill amount. You may download now from the Apple App store or Google Play, or text “App” to MyFPL (69375).
  • Monitor and manage your energy use with the FPL Energy Analyzer. This free tool provides an itemized breakdown of energy use and offers simple energy saving tips to different kinds of energy users. Activate your free FPL Energy Analyzer today, and check back at any time to see how changes can help lower your bill.

FPL understands that these are trying times and is providing other ways to help customers get through this pandemic. For customers experiencing hardship as a result of COVID-19, FPL has resources available to help and will continue to connect customers with resources from federal, state and local agencies. FPL has also implemented measures to help during this crisis, such as suspending electrical disconnections, providing payment extensions and waiving certain late payment fees for customers in a hardship situation – policies that will remain in effect while Florida is under a state of emergency. Customers are encouraged to pay their electric bill balance each month to avoid building up a large balance, which they will continue to bear responsibility for. However, if they are having difficulty paying the monthly bill, FPL encourages them to view available resources online at FPL.com/help or contact FPL directly at 1-800-226-3545. FPL will work with the personal situation and come up with a solution to ensure that customers can fulfill their personal responsibility for their FPL balance.

For more ways to save, visit www.FPL.com/EnergySavings.

Florida Power & Light Company
Florida Power & Light Company is the largest energy company in the United States as measured by retail electricity produced and sold, serving more than 5 million customer accounts or an estimated 10 million+ people across the state of Florida. FPL’s typical 1,000-kWh residential customer bill is approximately 30% lower than the latest national average and among the lowest in the U.S. FPL’s service reliability is better than 99.98%, and its highly fuel-efficient power plant fleet is one of the cleanest among all electric companies nationwide. The company was recognized in 2019 as one of the most trusted U.S. electric utilities by Escalent for the sixth consecutive year. A leading Florida employer with approximately 8,900 employees, FPL is a subsidiary of Juno Beach, Florida-based NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE), a clean energy company widely recognized for its efforts in sustainability, ethics and diversity, and has been ranked No. 1 in the electric and gas utilities industry in Fortune’s 2020 list of “World’s Most Admired Companies.” NextEra Energy is also the parent company of Gulf Power Company, which serves more than 470,000 customers in eight counties throughout northwest Florida, and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, which, together with its affiliated entities, is the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun and a world leader in battery storage. For more information about NextEra Energy companies, visit these websites: www.NextEraEnergy.comwww.FPL.comwww.GulfPower.comwww.NextEraEnergyResources.com.