La aprobación de la PSC del acuerdo tarifario implica que las cuentas típicas de los clientes de FPL bajarán levemente en enero y aumentarán menos de $1 en junio del 2013
December 17, 2012

JUNO BEACH, Fla. – Después de un proceso exhaustivo de casi un año de duración, la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de la Florida (Florida Public Service Commission, PSC) aprobó hoy un acuerdo de resolución de revisión de la tarifa básica que fue diseñado para ayudar a Florida Power & Light Company a continuar suministrando a los clientes una fiabilidad excepcional, un servicio al cliente galardonado y las cuentas de electricidad más bajas en el estado por lo menos durante cuatro años más.

Se prevé que la cuenta residencial típica de FPL, que actualmente está aproximadamente un 26 por ciento por debajo del promedio nacional, continúe siendo la más baja de la Florida basándose en las tarifas actuales de 55 empresas de energía eléctrica en la Florida.

El acuerdo de resolución incluye un aumento de la tarifa básica general que será implementado conjuntamente con otros ajustes de tarifa anuales, incluyendo una reducción significativa en el cargo por combustible al cliente. El resultado neto será una reducción neta pequeña de las cuentas típicas de los clientes residenciales de FPL en enero del 2013.

Además, el acuerdo estipula aumentos de la tarifa básica que abarcan el capital y los costos operativos de nuevas plantas eléctricas de consumo eficiente de combustible en Cape Cañaveral, Riviera Beach y Port Everglades cuando entren en servicio, lo cual está previsto para el 2013, el 2014 y el 2016, respectivamente. Al mismo tiempo que estas nuevas plantas entran en servicio, las reducciones en el porcentaje de combustible de las cuentas del cliente compensarán significativamente los aumentos de la tarifa básica. Combinadas, está previsto que las nuevas plantas de electricidad más eficientes ahorren a los clientes más de $1,000 millones en combustible y otros costos por encima del costo de construcción.

Cuando la Central de energía limpia de última generación de FPL en Cape Cañaveral entre en servicio, lo cual está previsto para junio del 2013, se prevé un aumento neto en una cuenta típica de cliente residencial inferior a $1 por mes, o 3 centavos por día, lo que implica un cambio de aproximadamente el 1 por ciento en comparación con las tarifas del 2012.

La mayoría de los clientes comerciales típicos de FPL verán que sus cuentas de electricidad se mantienen esencialmente iguales o se reducen en enero, y que se mantienen iguales o se reducen aproximadamente un 3 por ciento en junio del 2013.

“Al ayudarnos a mantener cuentas bajas y una fiabilidad alta, este acuerdo tarifario de cuatro años es un triunfo para todos nuestros clientes ahora y en los años venideros”, dijo Eric Silagy, Presidente de FPL. “Es un paso importante hacia adelante para la economía de la Florida y el futuro energético que no hubiese sido posible sin el arduo trabajo de los grupos clave que abogan por el cliente y, en última instancia, el aval de las agencias reguladoras.”

La PSC aprobó una versión modificada de un acuerdo de resolución que había sido desarrollado por medio de negociaciones exhaustivas entre FPL, Florida Industrial Power Users Group (FIPUG), South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association (SFHHA), y Federal Executive Agencies (FEA). Estos grupos abarcan a grandes clientes comerciales y gubernamentales que dan empleo a cientos de miles de habitantes de la Florida y representan a las clases tarifarias de clientes que consumen aproximadamente la mitad de toda la electricidad producida por FPL.

Modificaciones clave al acuerdo original propuesto en agosto:

·         Reducción del punto medio de rendimiento permitido de las acciones (ROE) del 10.70 por ciento al 10.50 por ciento

·         Reducción de la tarifa por pago atrasado de $6 a $5

·         Reducción del aumento en los ingresos de enero del 2013 de $378 millones a $350 millones

o        De la reducción de $28 millones en el aumento de los ingresos de enero del 2013, $18 millones reducen directamente el impacto a los clientes residenciales y $10 millones reducen el impacto tanto a clientes residenciales como comerciales.

Excepto según se contempla dentro del acuerdo, los clientes de FPL no verán aumentos adicionales en la tarifa básica hasta el 2016, siempre que las ganancias de la compañía se mantengan dentro del rango permitido.


Cuenta del cliente residencial típica de FPL

Residencial 1,000-kWh

Enero del 2012

Enero del 2013

Tarifa básica



Combustible y otros cargos






Cambio neto de la cuenta de enero del 2012 versus enero del 2013:

Reducción de $0.37/mes

“Combustible y otros cargos” refleja las tarifas aprobadas para el 2013 correspondientes a las cláusulas de combustible, capacidad, medioambiente y conservación, la recuperación de costos de las actualizaciones nucleares completadas en el 2012 y de West County Energy Center 3, el cargo por tormentas y el impuesto estatal por ingresos brutos. Todas las tarifas están sujetas a cambios.


Para obtener más información, los clientes pueden visitar


Florida Power & Light Company

Florida Power & Light Company es la empresa de energía eléctrica más grande de la Florida y una de las empresas de energía eléctrica con tarifa regulada más grandes de los Estados Unidos. Esta empresa brinda servicio a aproximadamente 4.6 millones de clientes, y es uno de los empleadores líderes de la Florida, con alrededor de 10,000 empleados. La compañía supera de manera consistente los promedios nacionales de fiabilidad del servicio y, de acuerdo con datos disponibles en diciembre del 2011, las cuentas de los clientes residenciales típicos son aproximadamente 25 por ciento más bajas que el promedio nacional. Florida Power & Light Company es un líder en energía limpia y tiene uno de los perfiles de emisión más bajos registrados y uno de los programas más importantes de eficiencia energética entre las empresas de energía eléctrica de todo el país. FPL es una subsidiaria de NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE), con su sede en Juno Beach, Florida. Para ver más información, visite




Cautionary Statements and Risk Factors That May Affect Future Results


This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are not statements of historical facts, but instead represent the current expectations of NextEra Energy, Inc. (NextEra Energy) and Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) regarding future operating results and other future events, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s control. In some cases, you can identify the forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as “will,” “will likely result,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “intend,” “plan,” “seek,” “aim,” “potential,” “projection,” “forecast,” “predict,” “goals,” “target,” “outlook,” “should,” “would” or similar words or expressions. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are not a guarantee of future performance. The future results of NextEra Energy and FPL are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause their actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the following: effects of extensive regulation of NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s business operations; inability of NextEra Energy and FPL to recover in a timely manner any significant amount of costs, a return on certain assets or an appropriate return on capital through base rates, cost recovery clauses, other regulatory mechanisms or otherwise; impact of political, regulatory and economic factors on regulatory decisions important to NextEra Energy and FPL; risks of disallowance of cost recovery by FPL based on a finding of imprudent use of derivative instruments; effect of any reductions to or elimination of governmental incentives that support renewable energy projects of NextEra Energy Resources, LLC and its affiliated entities (NextEra Energy Resources); impact of new or revised laws, regulations or interpretations or other regulatory initiatives on NextEra Energy and FPL; effect on NextEra Energy and FPL of potential regulatory action to broaden the scope of regulation of OTC financial derivatives and to apply such regulation to NextEra Energy and FPL; capital expenditures, increased cost of operations and exposure to liabilities attributable to environmental laws and regulations applicable to NextEra Energy and FPL; effects on NextEra Energy and FPL of federal or state laws or regulations mandating new or additional limits on the production of greenhouse gas emissions; exposure of NextEra Energy and FPL to significant and increasing compliance costs and substantial monetary penalties and other sanctions as a result of extensive federal regulation of their operations; effect on NextEra Energy and FPL of changes in tax laws and in judgments and estimates used to determine tax-related asset and liability amounts; impact on NextEra Energy and FPL of adverse results of litigation; effect on NextEra Energy and FPL of failure to proceed with projects under development or inability to complete the construction of (or capital improvements to) electric generation, transmission and distribution facilities, gas infrastructure facilities or other facilities on schedule or within budget; impact on development and operating activities of NextEra Energy and FPL resulting from risks related to project siting, financing, construction, permitting, governmental approvals and the negotiation of project development agreements; risks involved in the operation and maintenance of electric generation, transmission and distribution facilities, gas infrastructure facilities and other facilities; effect on NextEra Energy and FPL of a lack of growth or slower growth in the number of customers or in customer usage; impact on NextEra Energy and FPL of severe weather and other weather conditions; risks associated with threats of terrorism and catastrophic events that could result from terrorism, cyber attacks or other attempts to disrupt NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s business or the businesses of third parties; risk of lack of availability of adequate insurance coverage for protection of NextEra Energy and FPL against significant losses; risk to NextEra Energy Resources of increased operating costs resulting from unfavorable supply costs necessary to provide NextEra Energy Resources’ full energy and capacity requirement services; inability or failure by NextEra Energy Resources to hedge effectively its assets or positions against changes in commodity prices, volumes, interest rates, counterparty credit risk or other risk measures; potential volatility of NextEra Energy’s results of operations caused by sales of power on the spot market or on a short-term contractual basis; effect of reductions in the liquidity of energy markets on NextEra Energy’s ability to manage operational risks; effectiveness of NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s hedging and trading procedures and associated risk management tools to protect against significant losses; impact of unavailability or disruption of power transmission or commodity transportation facilities on sale and delivery of power or natural gas by FPL and NextEra Energy Resources; exposure of NextEra Energy and FPL to credit and performance risk from customers, hedging counterparties and vendors; risks to NextEra Energy and FPL of failure of counterparties to perform under derivative contracts or of requirement for NextEra Energy and FPL to post margin cash collateral under derivative contracts; failure or breach of NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s information technology systems; risks to NextEra Energy and FPL’s retail businesses of compromise of sensitive customer data; risks to NextEra Energy and FPL of volatility in the market values of derivative instruments and limited liquidity in OTC markets; impact of negative publicity; inability of NextEra Energy and FPL to maintain, negotiate or renegotiate acceptable franchise agreements with municipalities and counties in Florida; increasing costs of health care plans; lack of a qualified workforce or the loss or retirement of key employees; occurrence of work strikes or stoppages and increasing personnel costs; NextEra Energy’s ability to successfully identify, complete and integrate acquisitions; environmental, health and financial risks associated with NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s ownership of nuclear generation facilities; liability of NextEra Energy and FPL for significant retrospective assessments and/or retrospective insurance premiums in the event of an incident at certain nuclear generation facilities; increased operating and capital expenditures at nuclear generation facilities of NextEra Energy or FPL resulting from orders or new regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; inability to operate any of NextEra Energy Resources’ or FPL’s owned nuclear generation units through the end of their respective operating licenses; liability of NextEra Energy and FPL for increased nuclear licensing or compliance costs resulting from hazards posed to their owned nuclear generation facilities; risks associated with outages of NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s owned nuclear units; effect of disruptions, uncertainty or volatility in the credit and capital markets on NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s ability to fund their liquidity and capital needs and meet their growth objectives; inability of NextEra Energy, FPL and NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. to maintain their current credit ratings; risk of impairment of NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s liquidity from inability of creditors to fund their credit commitments or to maintain their current credit ratings; poor market performance and other economic factors that could affect NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s defined benefit pension plan’s funded status; poor market performance and other risks to the asset values of NextEra Energy’s and FPL’s nuclear decommissioning funds; changes in market value and other risks to certain of NextEra Energy’s investments; effect of inability of NextEra Energy subsidiaries to upstream dividends or repay funds to NextEra Energy or of NextEra Energy’s performance under guarantees of subsidiary obligations on NextEra Energy’s ability to meet its financial obligations and to pay dividends on its common stock; and effect of disruptions, uncertainty or volatility in the credit and capital markets of the market price of NextEra Energy’s common stock. NextEra Energy and FPL discuss these and other risks and uncertainties in their annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2011 and other SEC filings, and this press release should be read in conjunction with such SEC filings made through the date of this press release. The forward-looking statements made in this press release are made only as of the date of this press release and NextEra Energy and FPL undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.